Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Squeezing every dime and realizing you don't have to look cheap to be cheap!

  • Yes, Moms its that time again Consignment Sales and next week is Cottontails. I am so pumped about today hopefully I won't be let down...I am a seller and a worker at the Mt.Vernon sale to shop early!! I contributed 287 items so hopefully I at least I break even! ha ha.

    So here are just some of the upcoming sales (some might have already passed):

    Gardendale Mt.Vernon United Methodist -Kingdom Kids ConsignmentSale Info

    Kids Wear Plus -Hoover Gallery Shopping CenterSale Info

    Bluff Park United Methodist -Bargains on the BluffSale Info

    Riverchase United Methodist -TNT SaleSale Info

    Homewood:Kids Market and Mom -Former Academy Sports, Wildwood Center *** New LocationSale Info

    Trinity United Methodist -Lil Lambs ConsignmentSale Info

    Hueytown:Pleasant Ridge Baptist ChurchElite RepeatsSale Info

    Garywood Assembly of God -Twice Blessed SaleSale Info

    BAMOM – Birmingham Area Mothers of Multiples -Twice as Nice SaleSale Info

    Liberty Park:
    Liberty Crossing United Methodist -Ready Set GrowSale Info

    Oak Mountain:
    Asbury United Methodist -Giggles and GraceSale Info

    Trussville United Methodist -Growing Kids Consignment SaleSale Info

    Vestavia Hills United Methodist Church -Whale of Sale

    Mountain Chapel United Methodist -Kids’ KornerSale Info

    Mountaintop Community Church -Market on the MountainSale Info